At WHOOP, we are always working on improving developer efficiency through designing simple APIs within re-usable code. In our iOS codebase, we started to migrate from a monolithic app target to a suite of Swift Packages to help modularize our codebase and speed up our build times. As we started to modularize, we ran into a roadblock: how do we properly hide implementation details for our shared classes while keeping dependency management simple?
One trick for insanely fast websites
We are excited to share a small trick that can help immensely speed up your web apps. Last holiday season, we implemented some caching and the results surprised us. We expected some improvement but the load time for our checkout app improved beyond our expectations. It went from 1400ms to 71ms - that’s 2 orders of magnitude difference!
Defining a Career Framework for Engineers - Lessons Learned at WHOOP
When building a high-performing engineering team, defining a clear and effective career framework is one of the most critical undertakings. At WHOOP, we recently revamped our engineering career framework to ensure it reflects not just a progression ladder but a realistic and inspirational guide for engineers and engineering managers to navigate their careers. This blog post explores why this effort was vital, the challenges we faced, and the solutions we implemented to craft a framework that aligns with WHOOP's culture and operational expectations.
Distributing Complexity - A New Mobile Architecture
At WHOOP, we work on interesting yet challenging features. Unlocking human performance isn’t trivial. We’re also a subscription-based business, which means we strive to consistently deliver new value for our members.
WHOOP Developer Platform - Designing a resilient webhook system
In this post of the WHOOP Developer Platform series, readers learn about design decisions for developing a resilient, multitenant webhook solution. Check out the other posts in the series “Designing the WHOOP API” and “Your body doesn’t know what day it is”
WHOOP Developer Platform - Your body doesn’t know what day it is
In this post of the WHOOP Developer Platform series, readers that are interested in developing applications with WHOOP learn how to use physiological cycles, rather than calendar days, to provide the best experience for their users.
WHOOP Developer Platform - Designing the WHOOP API
Welcome to the first WHOOP Developer Platform blog series, where the engineers behind the platform give readers an inside look across three posts!
In early 2020, WHOOP formed partnerships with companies and research institutions interested in our technology. Several of these partnerships required access to WHOOP APIs.
Doubling Down on Documentation
How We Automated Our Technical Documentation to Increase Developer Velocity.
HackDay 2.0
Last November 2020, our Software, Product, and Data Science teams had a Hack Day (aka hackathon) with amazing results. This event was not easy to pull off especially with everyone working from home. In this post, we will go over the planning, setup, execution, and results to provide a glimpse into how our culture of creativity and collaboration led to blowing away all our expectations.
WHOOP’s New Android Navigation
My name is Dan Peluso, and I’m a co-op on WHOOP’s Community Team. We’re responsible for the social page in our app, including all teams, leaderboards, and communications available through this landing page. I joined the team as a Junior Android Developer this July, and immediately began work on the all-new navigation component our Product team wanted to launch by this fall. Today, I’m super excited to talk about our new Android navigation architecture, and some examples of where we’re refactoring.
Technologies in our iOS stack
The WHOOP iOS team is composed of knowledgeable engineers with a broad range of skills and iOS technology expertise.
We use a variety of different technologies, ranging from Bluetooth to GameKit, in pursuit of building a world-class experience for our members.
How to Stand Out and Ace the Interview
At WHOOP, the Software team wants not only technically strong engineers but also people who are a culture fit. Having an awesome fit is important for the success of the candidate and the team. In this post, I will walk through the application and interview process with tips. Luckily, the same advice can be applied to other opportunities!
Simplifying Developer Tooling with “Micro UIs”
Microservice architecture has become ubiquitous for many software engineering teams. This approach to building software promotes maintainability and interoperability of the many components required to produce a product. At WHOOP, we apply the same microservice principles when building the user interfaces for our internal developer tools, opting for small-footprint, individual UIs built on top of our microservices. This allows us to streamline developer workflows while limiting downtime and hiccups for any individual tool.
What Infrastructure Means at WHOOP
Often, infrastructure is viewed as the technology or the servers hosting and supporting applications. At WHOOP, infrastructure aims to support, unify, and accelerate product development. Here is how we view the impact of infrastructure development.
My Time at WHOOP
My name is Jack Rosen, and I just finished an 8-month co-op as an iOS developer. Although that was my official title, I was given opportunities to do so much more than just write code for the iOS app.